Fall is just around the corner for many of us. And before we know it, it’ll be time to think about the holidays, too. Don’t miss “The Lane That Leads to Christmas,” Book 3 in the Mailbox Mysteries series!

Pre-order your Kindle edition now, or bookmark it to read for FREE through Kindle Unlimited on opening day. Paperbacks, hardcovers and large-print editions will also be available.
Kate's plans for her first Christmas back home go awry when a vintage, one-of-a-kind nativity disappears from a local church. We’ll get a peek into Eagle River's past as we follow this case, and there are several surprises in store for Kate and Bev along the way. Of course, the holidays aren’t complete without a celebration or two, and Kate finds herself taking part in Eagle River’s festival in ways she never expected.
Look for this book sometime in late October or early November! You’ll see the publication date on Amazon currently says Nov. 21, but I expect it to be ready before then. As always, I’ll let everyone know when all the editions are LIVE and ready to enjoy!
I love this series and ALL the books...takes me back home to my Midwest country roads.
Can‘t wait. Began this series when the initial series had two books. Following for years now. Always a binge
read. Love it.
Very much looking forward to this next installment! Have loved all of your books - the previous series set in Prosper and these new mysteries. Keep them coming!